Women of Marvel Graphic Novel Review

From a ton of women writers, artists, and more. This collects Women of Marvel #1, Girl Comics #1-3, and Marvel’s Voices #1. 

This is a fun collection featuring many stories of female characters throughout the Marvel Universe. All of the stories are just a couple pages in length which allows the graphic novel to showcase a wide variety of writing and art styles for these diverse women. Much like the grand world of Marvel, there’s something here for everyone. I read through every story and enjoyed every one of them, but of course some more than others. There were familiar characters I enjoyed spending time with plus ones that are lesser known to me that I’ll now be looking for in back issue bins. Some of my favorite stories star She-Hulk, Jubilee, Marrow (yes, Marrow), and Shamrock (even more surprising than Marrow). 

Throughout the book there are also many text pieces full of facts, history, and interviews with many of the women that helped make Marvel. One of which discusses the upcoming Super Visible book, focusing on women in comics. The book looks great and will be out soon. 

Women of Marvel is a great get in the door graphic novel. A way for new readers to find characters that they can fall in love with without the weight of continuity.

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