Presenting Wrestling Trunkated.

Everyone reviews the weekly wrestling shows. Well, everyone I follow. Years back I used to have detailed write ups of each and every show that night or early the next morning. Again, just like every other site. There also used to be guest posts on the site and a frequent “Top 4” that would just go over the top 4 matches or promos from each wrestling show. But now every wrestling company has a quick Top 5 or 10 YouTube video.

As part of the new library theme I wanted something along those lines for this new wrestling review post. Something that is at least a little different, but also me.

Truncated is a term used for limiting the amount of information. Cutting off an end. Once I saw the word play, the decision was made.

This will be quick wrestling reviews. Easy bathroom reads. Fast way to catch up on what happened on the shows. I’ll take the 2-3 hours watching it and break it down for you in minutes.

Feedback appreciated as this begins.

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