WrestleMania 36 Predictions

Too big for one night! Too big for any fans. It’s WrestleMania weekend. The biggest event of the year will be quite different in 2020. For one, for the first time, this will take place over two nights. Instead of one long 7 hour plus event that is brutal for fans to sit through, this year it will be divided in half across Saturday and Sunday night. Also, this year’s Mania is taped and will not be live for the first time ever. Because for the first time ever we are in the middle of the Corona lockdown and somewhere between a quarter to a third of the world is at home right now. Including the WWE Superstars. Including all fans that are currently not allowed to attend events, if those events would even be allowed to take place.

The latest word is that WWE will be treating this year’s show like a movie. Edits, effects, really leaning into what they can do and not drawing attention to what’s missing in the current climate. I’m intrigued.

As of this writing we don’t know which matches will take place on Saturday and which on Sunday. We also know that some wrestlers were not able to compete for various reasons. These predictions are based off of the information publicly known as of Saturday afternoon. I might have an updated post on Sunday as we know which matches still have to take place and if any results from Saturday effect matches on Sunday.

In these posts I don’t predict who I want to win, or who should win. I predict who I think will win and sometimes why according to where it seems WWE is taking the characters.

Saturday pre show:

Drew Gulak vs. Cesaro.

This match was just announced. Drew and Cesaro both have a stellar independent wrestling resume and traveled in similar circles. But this will be their first one on one match. Most likely the surprise of the night. Fans are already expecting a lot of this match. Cesaro can always be seen as a threat and thrown into a title picture at any time. Drew still needs a build up and based on where I think this larger story is going next…

Winner: Drew Gulak.

Natalya vs. Liz Morgan.

Also just announced for the pre show. A tough match to call. Natalya could always win at any time against anyone. She also is the go to veteran to help another talent look strong. Liv looked to be in a great story but then was put aside and forgotten quickly This is the match I think will fall to editing first. Live, I think Liv wins no matter the quality of the match. Taped though, I think Vince is going to change his mind on this one.

Winner: Natalya.

Main show:

Otis vs. Dolph Ziggler.

What a crazy story this has been. It’s also a shame because so many people are going to be left out and possibly split up along the way. I think Otis wins this one but the story continues. Mandy is with Otis. Sonya sides with Dolph. Mixed tag team matches lay ahead. Mandy and Sonya will be teaming again by the end of the year.

Winner: Otis.

Asuka and Kairi Sane (Women’s tag team champions) vs. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross.

I think to bring these titles back up to what they were supposed to be a title change needs to happen here. I’m guessing Cross pins Sane. Alexa and Nikki taking these titles across all three brands as they continue to become bigger stars makes the most sense.

Winner and new champions: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross.

Sami Zayn (Intercontinental champion) vs. Daniel Bryan.

Both men will have their teammates with them. And that is what will affect my predictions, and why I called a match the way I did earlier. I think this story is Bryan wanting to build up Drew Gulak. Because that’s what Daniel Bryan has done during his comeback. Elevate other talent. I think Bryan loses. Drew over the next few months defeats Sami’s entourage. Drew gets a shot at this title by SummerSlam.

Winner: Sami Zayn.

Edge vs. Randy Orton. Last Man Standing Match.

Edge’s return match. A last man standing match as well, so it’s designed to take place throughout the building. This will be one of the more cinematic matches of both nights. Edge isn’t going to lose his first match back.

Winner: Edge.

Elias vs King Corbin.

I like Elias. He’s a great act. But Corbin has come into his own over the last couple years and embraced being hated. He’s definitely a future world champion. Elias is not currently on that level.

Winner: King Corbin.

Aleister Black vs. Bobby Lashley.

I think Lashley has fallen a lot as well. If you’re going to build a future around one person why keep pushing the guy who hasn’t picked up the ball in the numerous times it’s been handed to him.

Winner: Aleister Black.

The Street Profits (Raw tag team champions) vs. Angel Garza and Austin Theory.

This is going to be a hell of a match. But it’s two guys thrown together for reasons versus a team that keeps growing in popularity. If this Mania was in front of thousands of fans, it would be a Street Profits celebration for sure. I still think that’s where their going.

Winners: Street Profits.

Ladder match for Smackdown tag team titles.

Official: Miz and John Morrison (champions) vs. Kofi Kingston and Big E vs. the Usos.

Rumor: People are sick and this ends up being one of the Uso’s vs. John Morrison.

Either way I’m predicting there is not a tag title change here. WWE seems to be really behind Miz and Morrison as this all time great reunited tag team.

Winners and still champions: Miz and Morrison.

UPDATE: Moments after this post went up WWE’s show The Bump broke the news that the match will be John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston vs Jimmy Uso.

I’m sticking with my prediction. John Morrison will win this match, Miz and Morrison will remain champions.

Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins.

I think this story needs to end so both men can go on to their next feuds. Based only on where I think Rollins goes next I’m thinking the face has to win to end this feud.

Winner: Kevin Owens.

The Undertaker vs. AJ Styles in a Boneyard match.

None of us know what the hell is going on here. The only thing I’m sure of is Undertaker isn’t losing against AJ.

Winner: Undertaker.

Bayley (Smackdown women’s champion) vs. Sasha Banks. vs Lacey Evans vs. Tamina vs. Naomi.

I think Bayley trying to get the title back would be an interesting story. Especially heel Bayley. Out of the choices in this match I think Naomi would be the best to continue that story. Naomi will not pin Bayley.

Winner and new champion: Naomi.

John Cena vs “the Fiend” Bray Wyatt in a Firefly Fun House match.

Again, we have no idea what’s going on here. But I think Bray needs to look stronger more than Cena needs anything at this point in his career.

Winner: Bray Wyatt.

Becky Lynch (Raw womens champion) vs Shayna Baszler

Unfortunately I think this is it for Becky’s title reigns. She also deserves a little break after the last 18 months. I think Becky loses, is devastated by the loss, takes a couple months off, then comes back to even more popularity.

Winner and new champion: Shayna Baszler.

Goldberg (Smackdown champion) vs Braun Strowman.

Roman Reigns is out of this match and I couldn’t agree with his decision more. Braun got put in and, well, he’s probably going to win. It’s an inevitable title win. Goldberg isn’t a long term champ. This all lines up. I have my thoughts on Braun as a wrestler but that’s for another piece.

Winner and new champion: Braun Strowman.

Brock Lesnar (Raw champion) vs. Drew McIntyre.

What we thought would be the main and the biggest WrestleMania story this year. Drew has been christened heir apparent and this is his match to screw up. Drew vs Seth Rollins will be the big summer story line.

Winner and new champion: Drew McIntyre.

Rhea Ripley (NXT Womens champion) vs. Charlotte Flair.

The first time an NXT title is defended on WrestleMania. Four women’s title matches on WrestleMania. Which woman will make history? Rhea is in this tough in between level. I believe Rhea could defeat Charlotte. I believe there are women in NXT that could defeat Rhea. I don’t believe those same women could beat Charlotte for the NXT Womens title over the next few months. In the end I think Charlotte running through NXT and at the same time upping everyone’s game through the summer would be a more interesting story that can help everyone look strong.

Winner and new NXT womens champion: Charlotte Flair.

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