Miss M Mail Bag!

Recently my good friend, the divine Miss M, had multiple contests across all of her social media.  There were fights in the streets and backroom deals.  Everyone wanted a piece of the action.  Through the interventions of God and the McMahon family I lucked out and came out a winner.  Lets get down to it and see what I got.

First off, this comes from the one and only, the Diary of the Dorkette.  Head over to Miss M’s site to find out more about her.



There was a card on top but I chose to not share it with everyone.  It made me cry a little.  Us bloggers sometimes feel like no one’s out there reading, listening, caring.  This letter gave me that push to keep going and follow my writing dreams.

  The box arrived and it was so perfectly packed.  Bubble wrap and mailers and well balanced.  The amount of care can only mean everything inside is considered treasure.  Its the stuff dreams are made of.  Dreams?


    Maybe I spoke too soon.  I used to love these things.  Way back when my grandparents house was just down a hill and around a corner from a convenience store.  One of the first ones I remember seeing.  We didn’t have 7-11 here but there was SugarCreek and the juggernaut known as Stewart’s and many one shot similar stores along the way to test the waters.  Every one of them had an extensive candy aisle and lots to waste money on. Cheap gum, candy bars, comics, magazines, soda, and of course the sticker albums.  We would buy the newest and coolest ones then spend any remaining cash on the packs.  I remember my brother and I each had a quarter left but the sticker packs were 50 cents.  So we agreed to split whatever was in there based on which ones we needed for our books.  One of the first times we worked together.

All this is a very long way of saying how much this meant to me.  I don’t know what to do with it.  Part of me wants to use the stickers Miss M sent and start filling up the book.  I’ve already priced more packs on eBay.  Then there is the part of me that wants to keep it pristine.  Either way I don’t think this is going to be the only sticker album in my collection.







I can hear the Terminator theme now.  Scary that this figure is like 20 years old.  No way it seems like that much time has passed.  It also means I have a 20 year old still in package figure and that’s awesome.  I’m so torn on toys.  I love how they look and want to display them but there’s an appeal of having them out of the package too.  Its not about resale.  I endlessly debate on what looks cooler.  So far I think I’ll keep this one in package.  Look at it!  Extra head, extra arms, all set up in a way they cant be ignored.  Its a conversation piece.  I want to set it up in the living room just to have people ask me all about it.



This is pretty cool and Miss M had no idea.  A couple weeks before this i went through a family member’s DVDs.  He was going to get rid of all of them and told me to take what I want.  I now have a complete Predator movie collection.  Which means two AVP movies.  I’m getting obsessed.  They are two of the coolest concepts in horror, sci fi, and all movies in general.  Now I have one to sit as a movie marathon mascot!  This one I think I will take out of the package though.  Pretty cool looking though.  I really like the Action Comics inspired font.



It gets better.  Look at this adorable terror.  The wife and I collect Pops! and love them.  I told her recently that they do go out of print and “retired” and now we’re even more obsessed.  Freddy looks amazing in our collection.  Now we can inspire some fan fic of Freddy vs My Little Pony with Adventure Time coming in as the cavalry.  These stay in the box.  When the box is art too, its an easy choice to make.  Speaking of box art.




I always wanted a Sigourney Weaver figure!  Actually, it would go well with that Alien.   This thing is just freaking beautiful though.  I know I talked about displaying things in the living room but I seriously think this is gorgeous.  There is no reason it should be so pretty.  Its from a silly 80s movie!  And yet this raises everything Ghostbusters up to fine art.  Just unreal.  I cannot express how unworthy I felt to open this and to own it.


Huge thanks to Miss M for this gift.  It is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever received in my life and I will enjoy everything in here for years to come.

One comment

  1. I am so happy you liked everything and congratulations on winning! I’ve never done the whole contest thing before so it was a very interesting process. I also appreciate your kind words. That means a lot to me. I think you are such a cool person. I’ve enjoyed getting to know more of your personality through all the various forms of social media. It’s really cool. And yay for enjoying everything! I know what you mean about the difficulty of opening something or not. It gets to be a hard choice to make. Hope all is well!

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