Funko Pop Try Out Ecto-1.

(This was a try out piece from months ago.  I didn’t get anywhere with it but I put some effort into the piece and I would like to put it out there.)


Thirty years ago the world changed when the first Ghostbusters movie was unleashed upon the world.  While there were only four paranormal heroes in the movie an entire generation grew up knowing that busting makes them feel good.  Now, as the frights of Autumn 2014 are upon us Funko Pop! is poised to roll out an exclusive this October that will have Ghostbusters fans pulling out money faster than ghosts escaping the containment unit.

Toy Tokyo is releasing a slimed version of the Ecto-1 vehicle complete with Egon Spengler.  Even better, this toy is rumored to be New York Comic Con exclusive.  The strategically placed slime causes Ecto-1 to look like its been through a struggle more difficult then bringing Ghostbusters 3 to film.  Egon drives the much detailed Ecto-1 and Dr Spengler appears to have been through hell himself.  Despite that the Funko Pop! artists have still managed to catch the stony face of Harold Ramis’s performance that we all love and miss.

Stay tuned to PopVinyl.Net for more news and updates on the Ecto-1 plus many more exciting announcements.

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