The League Asks Why?



Its another week of questions and crazy blogging answers from the League of Extraordinary Bloggers.  Lets look at this week’s question:

Why? No, really. WHY?

After a lot of thinking, I had to go with the life long question.  There is so much bad news, horrible things happening, and shit TV permeating us every day.  So why, why, why…. Why isn’t everyone a geek?!

None of this is meant to anger or attack people who enjoy some of the things in this article that I’ll mock.  Its just to make the overall point that being a geek is awesome.  So… calm yourself.

I see so many people who claim there’s nothing to watch, or nothing to read.  They just don’t seem to have a go to media (or character) that is always there to provide distraction and enjoyment.  But it can be so easy!

There are many co workers of mine (that pesky day job) who say there’s nothing good to read, so they don’t.  They say that the shows people love are “too boring” or “nothing happened on that episode” and therefore all of the other shows that are critically acclaimed must be equally as boring.

Even worse than all of that, there is the fear of social stigma.  Sure everyone knows that on Sunday football fans wear shirts with their favorite teams and players on them then go to the store for drinks and snacks and enjoy meeting up with other fans.  Go blue!  Or your color of choice.

Well I’m here to tell you that being a geek is even better than all of that and anyone who isn’t a geek should embrace the culture.

First of all, there is no shortage of characters to fall in love with and once there no shortage of things to enjoy. Lets say a non geek enjoyed the Dark Knight.  Let them know there is so much more.  Literally thousands of Batman comics, hundreds of hours of television and scores of merchandise.  From a quarter to a quarter million there is something out there to buy for every Bat fan.  And that’s just one character!

Its one of the wonderful things about being a geek.  There is so much out there for every character.  Buffy, Luke Skywalker, Captain Kirk, Dracula, Spider-Man, zombies, giant monsters, Mickey Mouse, and more.  Pick one and the rest of your life could be full of that one character.  If you like more or discover more along the way — bonus.

Even better there is a community everywhere around you just waiting and always accepting new members.  Earlier today I was in line buying some Walking Dead merchandise and had conversations with the cashier and the next guy in line.  I’ve talked with people in stores, restaurants, concerts, museums and more across the country solely because of my comic book based t-shirts.

All any of us are looking for is a place to belong.  We want to feel like we’re not the only one and we also want to share our enjoyments and loves with others.  Its part of what made Facebook and Twitter so big so fast.   Sports have seasons.  Geeks are forever.


Lets see what the rest of the League was up to:

Sexy Geek’s House of Swag

Batcave Toy Room

Cool and Collected

Diary of a Dorkette

Pop Rewind

Geek Til it Hurts

Fortune and Glory Days

Pop Pop Its Trash Culture


Travelling Pics

Claymation Werewolf

Random Nerdness

Thirtiesh Year Old Boy

Infinite Hollywood

Calvin’s Cavalcade of Cool 












  1. I’ve asked myself the same question!
    Thanks to Internet you can find your “stuff to love”: books and tv shows reviews, online videos and documentals, games and entertainment… It was thanks to Internet that I dropped watching tv two years ago. Too much to see, learn, watch, listen, play, share…
    Kevin, don’t get angry, your co-workers deserve all of our compassion, because they don’t know what they’re missing.

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