WWE Smackdown Spoilers for 2/21/13.



Alberto Del Rio comes out and calls out Jack Swagger for his recent rants.  Randy Orton comes out instead.  Randy wants a match against Jack Swagger, the man who he thinks took his spot.  Booker T makes a different match.

Sheamus defeats Damien Sandow.

Kaitlyn and Layla beat Aksana and Tamina.  Kaitlyn spears Tamina for the win.

Backstage Zeb, Jack and Wade Barrett talk.  Zeb says Wade is part of the same problem as Del Rio.

Jack Swagger defeats Randy Orton with his feet on the ropes.

Sheamus and Wade Barrett have words.

Miz defeats Cody Rhodes.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter promo.

Fandango promo.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Wade Barrett.  Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter come out to watch.  Del Rio wins with the arm bar.  Swagger and Del Rio have a stare down.

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