Top 4 Matches of the Week in WWE 9/30/12 – 10/6/12

Going into this week I thought, “Sheamus is going to have 3 out of 4 of these matches this week.” Then I watched CM Punk vs. Doph Ziggler and thought, “Okay, maybe instead it will be CM Punk having two of the matches this week and Sheamus with two,” and then I watched Superstars and went, “And Kidd steals the show.” I left off Sheamus vs. CM Punk and Sheamus vs. Miz, two matches I thought were incredible, but had endings that were too jarring almost, for me. Still, they get an honorable mention. This was a great week in wrestling.

4. Ascension vs. Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel – NXT

There isn’t much I can say about any of these matches this week to do them any justice, and my complaints about any of them are minimal. This match had good build up and a quick feel to it, which is one of my favorite types of wrestling matches. Kidd and Gabriel are so incredible at their jobs… they are used as enhancement talent. I honestly could complain more, but in the meantime I get to see these guys in amazing matches, and that makes it worth it.

3. CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler – Smackdown

We knew Punk was going to win, even if you didn’t read spoilers. I mean, it’s Ziggler, he doesn’t get to win, even if he’s an amazing wrestler! But fine, that still did not take away from the fact that this match held my attention through all 7:03 of it. It’s rare that a main event holds my attention through a whole match, mostly because they are long and feature men, typically, who go into rest holds. You can count on Ziggler and Punk to keep it interesting.

2. Wade Barrett vs. Tyson Kidd – Superstars

I love Kidd. I love Barrett. I did not think this was going to be good. Barrett and Kidd have come into contradicting styles, more-so since Barrett’s return. It doesn’t make it bad, but I thought it would make a bad matchup. I was wrong! Barrett and Kidd keep going and somehow manage to come together in styles without having it look awkward. Moves don’t look forced and it flows. It was probably bumped a spot just from my being surprised.

1. Damien Sandow vs. Sheamus – Raw

It’s matches like this that reassert why I still believe in Sandow, and Sheamus I never lost faith in. Sandow and Sheamus put on a match that like the others this weeks, insists on never taking a breather. 12:00 and it didn’t really feel like it.

A bonus to all four matches this week is that the shortest one was Barrett vs. Kidd at 5:58. That’s match quality.

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