THOOOM! Today’s Greatest Comic Book Covers Revealed! 8/15/12.

Today’s sound effect can be found inside Homecoming #1.

Each and every week we take a look at the Zeus Comics checklist and pick out the best comic book covers that will be new on the stands this Wednesday.  Take a look, its in a book, lets get this comic party started!

68 Scars #2

Are those?  Yup.  Yup those are fingers.  That’s creepy as hell and we’ve only just started this week’s picks.


The Amazing Spider-Man #691

Sure, we’ve seen the dramatic close up of an eye before.  But I don’t think I’ve ever seen the reflection of another character, with fist clenched and cocked, reflected within.


Avengers #29

That is one battle damaged and bad ass looking Captain America.  The great thing about the whole AVX cross over is all of the iconic images of our heroes broken and beaten but not defeated.


Before Watchmen Rorschach #1

Well speaking of new iconic images.  I expect to see that on multiple pieces of merchandise Alan Moore wont receive a penny from.


Betty and Veronica #261

I will buy this solely on the possibility that Veronica will be dressed as Vampirella somewhere inside the comic.


Daredevil #17

Damn.  Mike Allred needs to do much much more mainstream superhero work.  The world needs to see his talents.  Ohhhh…. imagine a Disney animated Marvel movie in Mike Allred style.


Hellblazer #294

I don’t know what’s going on here.  Nor do I know if I could handle knowing.


Homecoming #1

Aliens and high school.  How could you not be interested?



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