Runnch! Today’s Best Comic Book Covers Revealed! 6/27/12.

That’s right, its time for the coolest best and most jaw dropping comic book covers of the week!

As always these covers come from our friends at Zeus Comics.

Lets get this comic party started!

All Star Western #10

Not the most original motion in the world, but I don’t know that I have ever seen it done in a comic before.  An incredible sense of motion and drama.  Then you see the height and it becomes all the more intense.

Archie #634

Its not that Archie is attracted to crazy women, its that all women are crazy.  Send all angry messages to teamhellions at …


Batman The Dark Knight #10

That Batman is one bad mother… Shut your mouth!  Oh.  Oh my.  I didn’t mean for you to take that so literally.  Oh I will have nightmares of this tonight.


Idolized #0 Gunnell cover

Idolized #0 Clark cover

I’m really not sure which cover I love more.  Aspen Comics is already presenting Joule as a star.  Its an instant iconic costume.  Plus, oh look at that second cover, it even looks good in real life.  I’m expecting huge things from this title.


Marvel Zombies Destroy #4

This cover screams fun.  Its comedy but there’s a lot of scary stuff happening too.  The zombies of course.  The Rainbow Bridge should always be shown in such a chaotic way.  No hard lines, spiraling into space, and with all sorts of horrors around every bend and spiral.


Mighty Thor #16

I don’t know if this is horrific or not.  So much gray.  Aliens (or demons or whatever they may be) the likes of which I have never seen before in any comic.  They just look so.. so… different.  Plus, there’s Thor squashed down into the bottom of the page.  I may have to buy this comic just to find out more about these aliens.


Spider-Men #2

Its both of them!  The costumes blend so well but are still apart.  Then the faces.  Old and new fans will be compelled to buy this one.  They’re either going to ask, who’s the old guy or who’s the young guy?  No matter the answer fans of every generation need to get excited for this release.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #11

I don’t know why, but something about Raphael’s teeth compelled me to include this cover.  Its a ridiculous thing to say in a book about animals that are mutated weapons of a younger age, but this is the first time I saw the Turtles as monsters.


X-Men Legacy #269

Yeah.  Don’t forget. The only reason Rogue can fly or hold her own in battle is because of the powers she absorbed from Ms Marvel.  Its about time these two faced off.  The fight issues have been very much hit or miss but I’ll be damn sure to give this one a try.


  1. Man, that Batman: The Dark Knight cover is the goddamned worst. Whoever thought it was a good idea for David Finch to have his own Batman title… seems to have a lot of people who agree with him, and that’s awful.

    • It is a pretty intense visual though. A non Batman fan will at least pick up that cover if not buy it, regardless of their opinions on Finch.

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