Best New Comic Book Covers Today! May 16, 2012.

Hello comic book fans and welcome to yet another edition of checking out great comic book covers.

The Avengers hasn’t even been out for two weeks in the United States and yet its already crossed over a billion dollars worldwide.  Why not take that love and enjoyment your non comic book reading movie loving friends had watching the Avengers and get them into the local comic book store to buy some books.

There are hundreds of new titles every week.  Thousands each month.  No matter who you are, there is a story told in comic book form that you will love and put on your all time favorites list.

Find a store near you!


And now…

Lets get this comic party started!

All covers come from the Zeus Comics page.  One of the best comic book stores in the country.


Captain Atom #9

Whether its the four arms, or the city that looks ancient, decrepit, current and futuristic all at the same time I’m not sure.  But one of those things is why this cover deserves to be singled out this week.

Hellblazer #291

One always tells the truth, one always lies, and one tells you to fuck off and go to hell.


Incredible Hulk #7.1

The NEW iconic Hulk art.  I expect to see this on posters, t-shirts, any and all merchandising featuring the Hulk.  Press releases.  Hell, you could tell me this is a early EARLY teaser for the next Hulk movie and I would believe it.  Huge wow factor on this one.


Saga #3

I hated the first issue of this comic.  The second had some cool ideas.  The third is what will push me over, especially thanks to images like this.  Fantasy and fucked up in one package.  Everything a comic reader wants.


Saucer Country #3

Scalped #58

I know there is more to this cover than I see now.  I’ve been staring at it for awhile now.  I have yet to read Scalped (I know!) but this issue’s cover alone makes me want to rectify that just so I can understand what is happening here.


Winter Soldier #5

Its Bucky vs an Ape with a huge gun!  How could this not make a best covers list?  It might even have to make a best of the year list.

X-Factor #236

Its a 90s tribute!  I wasn’t sure at first, and thought that maybe I’m projecting too much.  But then I saw the Marvel box and this is damn sure on purpose.  I’ll put it next to my “deluxe” editions of X-Men and X-Force when I paid extra money for shinier pages.

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