Best New Comic Book Covers Today! 4/11/12.

Its that time again friends.  Time to look at some pretty books and get an idea of what you should buy later today at your favorite local comic book store.

Lets get this comic party started!


68 Scars #1

For those of you who found Marvel’s classic titles Semper Fi and The ‘Nam to be too light.


Batwoman #8

There have been so many crazy covers, but kind of similar in their craziness that I haven’t featured a Batwoman cover on here for a little while.  But this is a less is more approach.  Batwoman is very much there but she seems so small next to the city.  The red is a gorgeous touch as well.


Kevin Keller #2

Throwback tribute cover!  Although considering it is Kevin there is a joke just laying there with Jughead waiting for someone to pick it up.  This could be right up with the beat off other guys cover.


Peter Panzerfaust #3

Not since Dave Thomas opened a topless fast food restaurant has there been a sexier Wendy.


Resurrection Man #8

Holy shit is this cool!  I never even thought of such an idea, nor have I seen anyone else ever do it.  Damn what a clever idea.  I might buy this today just to hang up that cover.


Saucer Country #2

I thought these Blue Blockers were supposed to change color when I went back inside the space ship!


Theater #5

Yes, its a cover that reminds you of Animal  Man.  But the look of terror is new.  I wasn’t going to include this cover but I couldn’t get the image of fear out of my mind.  Thus, awesome cover, and thus it must go in.


Uncanny X-Men #10

What the hell is that?  It looks like a giant cock about to penetrate Earth.  I must be mistaken.  What does the solicit say?

“The X-Men vs. Unit”

Fuck it!  I’m done!  See you next week!

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