Best New Comic Book Covers Today! 3/14/12.

Its new comic book day once again!  There are a ton of amazing books coming out today.  Some that will be Earth shattering, some that will be loved and others that will just be forgotten about.  But we’re here to show off all the pretty covers that will be staring at you from the shelves today.

If you’re looking for a place to buy new comic books today check out the Team Hellions list of approved comic shops.   Zeus Comics, Third Eye Comics, Meltdown Comics, Midtown Comics, Play the Game Read the Story, and Secret Headquarters.  If you know of an equally good shop let us know all about it and why its awesome.

Now, without further ado…

Lets get this comic party started!

Batgirl #7

Batwoman #7

Both of the female stars of the Bat family (wait, does Huntress count? Catwoman?  OK two of them.) have water based covers and yet they are worlds apart.  Batgirl looks trapped whereas Batwoman appears triumphant.  Somehow Batgirl seems younger as well.  Is it something I’m bringing to the table and seeing things that aren’t actually there?  Or is the cover artist that brilliant that the age of the character comes across in the art?  Either way, great covers.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 Freefall #7

Oh crap I totally forgot tonight we’re supposed to go out for game night with the Bloodys.  (See, because Spike is also known as William the Bloody.  And Buffy looks to be married to him in this cover.  So she would be Buffy Bloody.)

Dead Man’s Run #2

by Tony Parker

Such a creepy cover.  Our lead is petrified over what evil lurks behind those eyes of hate.  While he looks strong, he also looks innocent and innocence could be a weakness.  Hopefully he is a tough young innocent.  You know, like Tintin.

Doctor Who #15

There are ways to do cheesecake covers that don’t look gratuitous or sexist.  And I have been waiting for one to show up.  Finally, Amy Pond shows us how strong, confident, and also sexy can work.

Fathom Kiani Volume 2 #0 (Nome cover)

Fathom Kiani Volume 2 #0 (Takeda cover)

And then there are ways to do such covers that just look bad ass as hell.  Fans of Fathom and Kiani will be fighting for these covers.  Those who haven’t discovered it yet will see these images of power and beauty and crave to know more about the adventure inside.  (Here’s a hint, I read an advanced copy and its good.)

Haunt #22

However what the fuck is happening on this cover?  Seriously I am at a loss to explain it.

The Mis-Adventures of Adam West #2

Put this book in the front of your store!  What a great way to bring in new readers.  Find out what’s happening in the crazy world of that TV star, Adam West.  Whether you love him from Batman or from Family Guy, you do love him.

Nancy in Hell on Earth #2

If you don’t know yet, I’m a sucker for Grindhouse style covers.

Peter Panzerfaust #2

Not since the Newsboy Legion has a group of young boys looked like such bad ass ruthless killers.  Lets have more of this!

Saucer Country #1

I haven’t been this excited for a new Vertigo book in years.  Everything that might be, or that is implied, wont be nearly as good as what will actually be inside.

Shade #6

Seriously, look at that cover.  Is it a shirt?  Is the blood pouring all the way down?  Does it mean one if not many of those characters are about to die?  I didn’t read one issue of this series but this cover poses so many questions and has such stunning use of red that I want it framed and on my home library wall now.

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