Best New Comic Book Covers Today! 2/22/12.

There’s a lot going on at casa Hellions today so lets get right to the list, or in other words:  Lets get this comic party started!

American Vampire #24


I’m watching American Pickers while writing this and the thought of some classic style ads but featuring vampires intrigues the hell out of me.  Think I can make a quick buck and flip this ad?  Who wants it?  Do I hear 30? 303030303030?!

Broken Pieces #2 Benitez cover

This cover invokes classic monster movies but more.  There is also the unknown.  Is this being man or monster?  A misunderstood hideous being or a flat  out evil and still hideous being?  I know because I was lucky enough to get an advanced review copy.  But you will have to buy the book today to find out.

Dark Horse Presents #9 by Mignola

I had to show off this cover the moment it came up on my screen.  Holy fuck that’s intense.  I’m not as familiar with the character as I should be but it didn’t matter.  As soon as this cover appears I have to know what the hell is going on.

Dead Rising Road to Fortune #4

A cover to show off to your non comic book reading friends and get them into the store.

Grimm’s Fairy Tales Alice in Wonderland #2 Garza cover.

Damn straight its just a cheesecake cover.  But its a really well drawn one with some incredible colors.

Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #23

Its MODOK!  In an all ages book!  And he’s about to eat Spidey!  There should be lines around the block, full of eight year olds, ready to buy this book today.

X-Men Legacy #262

Its tough to make someone look defeated, yet triumphant and strong at the same time.  This cover should become the new iconic image of Rogue.


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